Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Men will always be men. Do what you want, come what may, men will remain men.
Men in suit and boot, or men in dhoti - shoti, men will be men.

Just the other day, I met two handsome young men, businessmen to be precise, dressed up in nice suits, black berry phones, and a nice long car. I took the back seat while they were at the fore. They had made sure, I was comfortable, and had good space to sit, amidst all the daily newspapers that were lying in the backseat.

Throughout the journey, they kept busy talking with clients on their phones, discussing deals and products and their businesses. In between were slow murmurs of 'this deal shall be of Rs.XX and so and so is an important client'. Could I shut my ears? Guys I can hear your murmur!

So we reach the place, and proceed for the meeting. Except for the host, I am the only lady with four men, two clad in handsome suits. Water is served and kept on the center table... too far for me to reach! Realizing this quickly one of the guys helped me with it. Hmm nice! I say. Thorough gentleman!

The meeting is done. I get a chance to interact more with these guys. They sound nice, polite and very humble. Good! Different men, I think.

Meeting done. Remember it's evening and it's Mumbai, Read : Busy Traffic. We are patiently waiting for our turn to make a quick right when another vehicle trying to get into the lane behind us, lightly kissed our car's trunk. Yes it was a light kiss! But the father and brother of our lil darling car, immediately got out and checked for any scratch. Yes when it an expensive one, who wouldn't. I turned back to see from the glass, if there was any masala in the story, and just to see the one of the gentleman utter a horrible hindi swear word 'B@@##***'. OOPs were these those sophisticated men, in suits? To make it worse, our Papa darling, the car owner, went over to driver seat of the other car, gestured the driver to open his window. As soon as the window opened, this guy, slapped the driver! And there were women sitting in the car too!!! All the sophistication just melted away, exposing the nude bieng. Just as the chocolate of the chocobar melts away leaving just the bare vanilla. And silently, again dressed in the same sophistication, both of them sat inside the car.

To me they looked undressed, no more GENTLE only men!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Of a Woman, A MOTHER

Her child is gone

Far away!

Into the space

That can’t send him back

Back to be the same

Same as he was

Her trust is betrayed

Of life and fortune

The destiny that was

Hopeful as she was

To make her happy one day.

To his pictures she can speak

speak her heart to each

each Companion is to her

with Only memories

that he left behind.

“You will come back to me;

My child.”

My child will come back

She said

Said she believed

He will live twice

Twice for her.

Her trust put to test

Of life and fortune

The destiny that is

Hopeful as she is

She will be happy one day

To see him come back one day.

The mother I see

The woman wanting to

Set her free!

Caressing her memories

As it would her own child be;

And hope to create a child back from memories….

Or will it be

Only memories from

a child that he was?

Time shall witness…the victory

Of a woman

A mother.